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The Salty Turtle Float Center
903 Nissley Road Unit H, Lancaster, PA

What are the Benefits of Floatation Therapy?

Wellness is defined as a “holistic, encompassing lifestyle of mental and spiritual well-being” (National Wellness) where optimal living is naturally inclusive and is becoming increasingly common as a supplemental holistic approach to traditional and Western medicines.

According to The American Institute of Stress, there is no shortage of stress reducers or relievers. Combatting stress is vital for a healthy balanced quality of life and may vary dependent upon an individual’s mental and physical abilities and needs.

With floatation therapy, customers have a choice in the style of therapy desired to combat mental or physical health disorders or ailments.  The calming, sensory-controlled environment available through floating allows you to escape to a sanctuary from the constant assault on your senses where you can temporarily unplug from the relentless noise of the world. 

The benefits of floatation therapy are numerous. 

Lowers blood pressure

Relieves muscle tension

Reduces joint pain & arthritis

Improves posture

Relieves fibromyalgia pain

Assists in concussion recovery

Decreases anxiety

Soothes the nervous system

Regenerates muscle tissue and swelling

Minimizes migraine and headache pain

Improves mental clarity

Accelerates learning

Improves circulation

Improves metabolism

Increases magnesium levels

Reduces stress

Eases PTSD

Improves sleep deprivation and increases creativity

Floating helps you achieve deep levels of physiological relaxation, natural pain relief, and rapid recovery in as little as an hour.  It has been said that 60 minutes of floatation therapy is equivalent to 4 hours of sleep! 

Find your way to your perfect balance with floatation therapy.

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