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The Salty Turtle Float Center
903 Nissley Road Unit H, Lancaster, PA

common questions about Floatation Therapy

Find Answers to Your Floatation Therapy Questions here!

If you're looking for exceptional floatation therapy, our locally owned business is the right place! We guarantee that you'll leave refreshed, renewed and relaxed after the floating. Find the answers here to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding floatation therapy before you visit The Salty Turtle.

What can I expect when I float?
There is no best answer for this. Each person tries floating for their own reasons. It is truly an individual experience and we want you to come to The Salty Turtle without expectations or preconceived notions based on what others may have told you about their experiences.

Your experience will vary depending on your ability to “let go” and relax the body, quiet the mind, and just simply sink into the experience. The most common comments afterwards are a sense of profound peace and relaxation, deep concentration and creativity!

Keep in mind, the very first time you float will likely be a time of acclimating yourself to being alone and to the whole experience, as we are all so used to so much constant outside stimulation, which is why we recommend the First Time Float Package. After you become comfortable and are able to relax, the variety of experiences you could have are only limited by your imagination and personal goals. We guarantee you will find it at the very least, peaceful, relaxing, and rejuvenating!

How long is a float session?
We offer 60 and 90 minute floats, however, we typically recommend 60 minutes for the first time client. Longer float sessions can be arranged, if desired.

The float rooms are very large compared to traditional pods or tanks. Rooms are approximately 9 feet long and 5 feet wide with room to stand up inside. This space diminishes any sensation of claustrophobia. Feel free to leave the door fully open, or just ajar until you feel more comfortable and are able to close the door. The float room door does not lock and is clear glass, it is also not airtight so you will have plenty of fresh air at all times. But not to worry about your privacy, the outer room door does lock for your security.

Is the float experience private?
Yes. You will be in a private, individual float suite as opposed to a float pod that many other center's offer. You will also have a private shower in the same room, so you may be completely without clothes or swimsuit, however you are most comfortable. After you are finished with your float and shower, you will have a dressing space in this same room for your convenience.

Is there a best position to float in?
You will be floating on your back. Each person should find their most comfortable position. 

Some options to consider:
  • Float with your hands at your sides.
  • Float with your hands folded across your chest.
  • Float with hand across your abdomen.
  • Float with hands beside your head.
  • Float with your hands above your head.
We offer floating neck pillows, if desired. Remember it is an individual choice, no right or wrong answer, Float the way it is comfortable for you and experiment until you find your ideal position.  We recommend stretching, yoga poses or meditating while in the float.

How often should I float?
The benefits of floating usually happen with only one float, however, like any therapy, consistent and repeated usage amplifies the results, so adding two or three more sessions will produce a better result. Some people may expect to float two to three times before really noticing the difference floating can make in your stress levels and your body overall. It can even take a few sessions to get a better sense of what floating is like and learning to really relax and let go.

Ongoing changes in your body can be seen when you float regularly. Floating is a healthy and often life-changing experience in which you will find limitless potential. Another constant is that there seems to be a cumulative effect with consistent floating. Relaxation is a learned art that often needs practice.

To maximize the infinite potential, you may decide to incorporate it as part of your weekly or monthly healthy lifestyle. We can help you determine which of our membership or package options are best for you.

Will this type of salt water wrinkle my skin?

Exactly the opposite! The water contains high Epsom salt levels; therefore it does not ever rob your skin of salt that keeps it from wrinkling. Instead, It leaves your skin soft and silky. It is a known fact that Epsom salt is used in treating skin ailments.

Epsom salt is very beneficial to a person’s skin, unlike the salt content of the ocean. Epsom salt may also be beneficial in strengthening the hair, and there are numerous health benefits from the magnesium found in Epsom salt, which is absorbed through your skin while floating. Magnesium is known to relax and soothe tired muscles and joints, making it highly effective in combating chronic pain and is used for athletic recovery. 

In addition, you will always thoroughly rinse the salt from your hair and body during your post-float shower.

Can I float if I just dyed my hair?

We recommend that you check to be sure the water running through your hair in the shower at home is completely clear. If you still see some color coming out, you should wait a couple of more days / showers.

What if I feel claustrophobic?

This may be a concern when floating inside a tank or pod where you need to close a lid over top of you. Our float rooms are designed to alleviate the “closed in” feelings associated with constricted space. The goal here is relaxation and eliminating stress, so we don’t want you to worry about feeling closed in. Plus, you are in complete control so that if at any time you wish to get up or out of the float room, you certainly can. You can even turn the soft LED lights on or off from inside at any time as well.

Are the float rooms safe during & after the COVID Pandemic?

Rest assured, we fully comply with stringent health and safety regulations, meeting all local and federal health guidelines, and also, adhering to the national Float Tank Association’s standards.

There are about 1,000 pounds of medical grade Epsom salt dissolved in each of our floatation rooms. Because the concentration is so high, no living bacteria or microorganism can survive including COVID, similar to the environment in the Dead Sea, this is why it’s called the Dead Sea, because organic life can’t survive there.

At The Salty Turtle, we take health and hygiene seriously, so you won’t have to worry, which is why we are proud of our state-of-the-art two-part filtration system that will clean the entire volume of water, a minimum of three times between each float. Starting with a filtration and particle system that reduces particles to one micron or the equivalent of 1/100 of a human hair. It is then run through a UV light technology that has been used for purifying drinking water for years. The final step is an automated food grade hydrogen peroxide dispenser for absolute pristine water. Our filtration systems are fully automated to ensure the cleanliness of our water every time.

Could I drown if I happen to fall asleep?

Believe us, many people do fall asleep because most Americans are sleep deprived, only getting six of the eight to nine hours, our bodies really need to function properly. So don’t be surprised, you might have the best nap of your life. They say that one hour of rest while floating is equivalent to four hours of deep sleep in bed. But don’t worry, because you are suspended in 10 inches of dense water you will be buoyant, this will keep you from flipping over. Some customers come to float specifically to get some extra rest and a nice nap.

Is there anyone who should not float?

Your health and safety is very important to us, so we do reserve the right to refuse service for anyone who falls into any of the categories below or with whom have or may have the following conditions:
  • Children under 16 years of age
  • Children under 18 years of age without parent or legal guardian consent
  • Allergies to magnesium
  • Taking medicine, antibiotics, or water pills that have negative interactions or contraindications with magnesium
  • Epileptics or those with seizures that are not medically controlled
  • Pregnant women in the first and middle to end of their 3rd trimester (consult with your physician first)
  • Postnatal (about three months, check with physician first)
  • If you have skin rashes, skin conditions, any open wounds or suffering from a yeast infection
  • If you have an infectious or contagious disease
  • Individuals with kidney problems
  • Anyone with any mental health conditions which would cause them to harm themselves or others
  • Anyone intoxicated / under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Anyone who just received a tattoo or piercing.  You must wait at least 4-6 weeks or as directed by your tattoo artist.  The water solution could cause fading or discoloration of your new tattoo and could permanently ruin its aesthetic appeal.
We recommend that you always follow the recommendations of your doctor, physician, or healthcare provider.

Can I float if I am pregnant?

Yes. Not only is floatation therapy safe but it is encouraged. Floating allows you to escape the added stress and weight of pregnancy by being in a weightless environment, taking the strain off of your body. 

In fact, heavily pregnant women may get more relief from floating than anyone else. Just lying on a bed can be extremely uncomfortable for women in the later stages of pregnancy due to the massive gravitational strain placed on the body, and Floating can be a wonderful escape. We recommend you check with your doctor or midwife first in all cases, especially if you are in the final month or first trimester.

Is floating approved during menstruation?

Yes. Please follow the same protocol as you would for a swimming pool.
Call us today to learn more about floatation therapy!
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